Past Masters
Masters of the Company
Since Incorporation
1629 Edward Gregorie
Records lost in the Great Fire of London 1666
John Turlington
Richard Twigg
John Radford
John Verney
Joseph Howe
Jonathan Alt
Thomas Goodman
Thomas Handford
John Throckmorton
John Hicketts
John Hill
John Yarwell
(Gregory Tingay) John Yarwell
William Longland
John Radford
James Throckmorton
Joseph Howe
Thomas Hanford
John Hicketts
John Yarwell
William Longland
James Throckmorton
Thomas Mayle
Thomas Stirrop
Ralph Stirrop
William Bembrick
Joseph Cole
William Saunders
James Mann (senior)
Isaac Burbridge
Thomas Gay
Edward Scarlett (senior)
George Wildey
Thomas Archer
John Flower
James Mann (junior)
John Ward
Mathew Loft
Edward Scarlett (junior)
Thomas Lincoln
George Bass
John Cuff
John Howe
George Stirrop
Samuel Scatliff
James Ayscough
George Bass
Thomas Ribright
David Deane
Peter Eglington
Francis Watkins
James Tomlinson
Edward Nairne FRS
Peter Dollond
Henry Shuttleworth
Charles Lincoln
John Dollond
Thomas Blunt
John Bleuler
Edward Nairne FRS
Peter Dollond
Peter Dollond
Henry Lawson
James Long
William Gilbert
John Bleuler
George Dollond FRS
Johnson Lawson FRS, FRAS
Thomas Blunt
Samuel Walker
James Christie
John Field
Henry Lawson
William Harris
Richard Gude
Robert Brettell Bate
Andrew Smith
James Harmer
Thomas Bish MP
George Carroll
Ford Hale
John Sivewright
John Johnson (LORD MAYOR 1845)
Alderman Sir James Duke MP
Alderman Henry Lainson
James Harmer
Alderman Sir George Carroll (LORD MAYOR 1846)
William Clarkson
The Marquis of Downshire
Alderman Sir James Duke MP (LORD MAYOR 1848)
William Henry Palmer
John Hill
Sir Walter Buchannan Riddell Bt
William Clarkson
William Henry Palmer
Ford Hale
Frederick Salmon
Alderman Sir William Anderson Rose (LORD MAYOR 1862)
The Marquis of Downshire
Alderman Sir William Anderson Rose (LORD MAYOR 1862)
The Marquis of Downshire
Alderman Sir James Duke MP
William Tite MP
George Dollond
Thomas Carlyle Hayward
William White
Alderman Thomas Dakin
Charles James Palmer
Alderman Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips (LORD MAYOR 1865)
Alderman David Henry Stone (LORD MAYOR 1874)
Alderman Andrew Lusk (LORD MAYOR 1873)
Robert Nicholas Fowler MP (LORD MAYOR 1883 & 1885)
Deputy Ben Slowman
Philip Twells MP
Alderman William A McArthur MP
Alderman Sir Thomas Dakin (LORD MAYOR 1870)
Alderman Sir William Anderson Rose
The Rt. Hon. George Joachim Goschen MP
Alderman Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips
Alderman Sir William McArthur KCMG, MP (LORD MAYOR 1880)
Charles Hill JP
Richard Septimus Wilkinson DL, JP
William James Ford
Alderman Sir Andrew Lusk Bt
Alderman Sir Polydore de Keyser Bt (LORD MAYOR 1887)
Colonel & Alderman Horatio Davies MP
Alderman George Faudel-Phillips
Sir Joseph Sebag-Montefiore JP
William Martin Bickerstaff DL, JP
Alderman Sir George Faudel-Phillips Bt, GCIE (LORD MAYOR 1896)
Colonel & Alderman Sir Horatio Davies Bt, MP (LORD MAYOR 1897)
William Henry Emilien Thornthwaite FRAS
Colonel & Alderman Sir Reginald Hanson Bt, MP (LORD MAYOR 1886)
The Rt. Hon. Sir William Hart-Dyke Bt, MP
Alderman Sir Marcus Samuel Bt (afterwards Viscount Bearsted)(LORD MAYOR 1902)
The Honourable Alban GH Gibbs MP (afterwards Lord Aldenham)
Edward Levy-Lawson, 1st Baron Burnham
Harry Hylton-Foster
James Henry Davidson
The Honourable WR Peel MP (afterwards Earl Peel)
Colonel The Honourable Harry Lawson Webster Levy-Lawson MP (afterwards 1st Viscount Burnham GCMG, CH & 2nd Baron Burnham)
The Lord Aldenham MA
Alderman Sir Marcus Samuel Bt (afterwards Viscount Bearsted)
Sir John FL Rolleston MP
Alderman Sir Horace Brooks Marshall LLD (afterwards Lord Marshall of Chipstead KCVO, PC, MA, LLD) (LORD MAYOR 1918)
Colonel & Alderman Sir Charles Cheers Wakefield Bt, CBE
The Viscount Hill LCC
Charles Edward Sebag-Montefiore
Colonel & Alderman Sir Charles Cheers Wakefield Bt, CBE (afterwards Viscount Wakefield of Hythe)
Lieutenant Colonel Edward Frederick Lawson DSO, MC (afterwards 4th Baron Burnham)
Sir Osborn George Holmden KBE, DL, JP
Sir Lionel Faudel-Phillips Bt, JP
The Lord Aldenham MA
Colonel The Viscount Burnham GCMG, CH
Sir William Henry Champness, Deputy
Sir Gomer Berry Bt, JP (afterwards first Viscount Kemsley GBE, KStJ)
Charles Edward Sebag-Montefiore JP
Alderman Sir William Coxen (LORD MAYOR 1939)
Major General The Lord Burnham CB, DSO, MC. TD, MA (4th Baron Burnham)
Lieutenant Colonel Gerald E Coke
Alderman Sir Bracewell Smith Bt, KCVO, BSc (LORD MAYOR 1946)
Alderman Sir Frank Newson-Smith Bt (LORD MAYOR 1943)
The Honourable Lionel Berry (afterwards second Viscount Kemsley DL, KStJ)
Walter Lucas Chance MA, JP
Sir Frank William Morgan MC
Frank William Law MA, MD, BChir, FRCS, LRCP, KStJ
Gerald Edward Coke MA, JP
The Honourable Lionel Berry (afterwards second Viscount Kemsley DL, KStJ)
Roland Francis Champness MA, LLM, FSA, CC
The Lord Crook KStJ, JP
William Edwin Hardy FSMC
Alfred William Hawes MC, FSMC
Douglas Oldfield Rawling JP, FSMC
Oliver Robert Marne Sebag-Montefiore TD, MA
Leslie Eric Evershed-Martin OBE, FSMC, FBOA:HD, DCLP
Frank Max Wiseman OBE
Charles Alfred George Cook MC, GM, DSc, FRCS, FCOptom
Richard Bertram Thorpe FCOptom
Douglas Michael Rawling FCOptom
Sir Richard Meyjes DL, FRSA, FInstD, CIMgt
Professor Herbert James Ambrose Dartnall DSc, PhD, C Chem, FRSC
Sir Nigel Mobbs JP, DL, DSc, CCIM, KStJ
Mrs Anne Christine Arnold Silk FFDO, FBDO(Hons), FRSA, FRSM, Hon DSc
James Leslie Kennerley Bankes MB, BS, FRCS, FRCOphth
John Robert Stallwood FRSA
Mohammed Jalie SMSA, FBDO(Hons), Hon FCGI, Hon FCOptom, MCIM
David Evershed-Martin FCOptom
Robert Alfred Ingham MA
Clive Graham Stone FCOptom
Peter Crockford Mills FCOptom
Frank Goodwin Norville OBE, Hon. FCOptom.
Frank Goodwin Norville OBE, Hon. FCOptom.
Anthony Hugh Chignell MBE, DO, FRCS, FRCOphth
Brian Jack Mitchell FCA, FRCA
George William Derek McLaren FBDO, FInstD, MCIM
Robert William Chappell OBE, MPhil, DSc, FCOptom
Nigel Homer Wingate FCOptom, FBDO
John Roy Spencer Baker FBDO
The Venerable John Anthony Morrison MA
Robin Charles Henry Weathersbee, FCOptom, DCLP
Joram Jacques (John) Fried FBDO
John Stanley Shilling FRCS, DO, FRCOphth
William Michael Barton FBDO(Hons), CL
Professor John Marshall, MBE, BSc, PhD, FMedSci, FRCPath, FSB, HonFRCOphth, HonFCOptom, FARVO, FLIA, FRSA
Gordon Eric Jones C Chem, FRSC, FBCLA
Christopher Ernest Hunt, MBA, FBDO, FInstSMM
Christine Margaret Tomkins, BSc, MB, ChB(Hons), FRCS, DO, FRCOphth, FFFLM, FRCP, MBA
Edward Bernard Middleton, FCA
Donald James Grocott TD, MA, FRSA, FIoD
Felicity Mary Dorothy Harding MBA (OBE from 2019)
John Alexander McGregor, OBE
Huntly James Russell Taylor, FBDO
Ian Peter Davies MCOptom, DipCL, FAAO