
We are a grant giving organisation supporting better vision for all.
We aim to improve the lives of people with vision impairment and support those who treat eye health.
Charity is an essential part of Livery Company life. The Spectacle Makers’ Charity aims to achieve its mission through:
- bursaries for new optical students
- support for pilot small scale research studies
- education and employment opportunities for people with little or no vision
- training to increase eye health care provision in underdeveloped areas of the world
- prizes and awards for research
- improving access to sports, leisure and culture for vision-impaired people
We are a charity registered in England and Wales number 1186122.
To support us regularly, download our Standing Order Form and Gift Aid Declaration Form. Send the standing order form to your bank, or use the details to set up a standing order online. Return your Gift Aid Declaration by email to Alternatively you can give online here.

Support our Work
There are many ways to support our grant-giving from fundraising, leaving a legacy and more.
Apply for a Bursary or Travel Award
Read more on our support for the next generation of optical professionals.

Apply for a Charity Grant
We offer grants for charitable organisations supporting those with vision impairment.
Small research grants for academic institutions
Research departments and academic institutions can apply for small amounts of funding for short-term and pilot projects. PLEASE NOTE: We do not make grants to individuals undertaking Master's or PhD research projects