The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers

The Master’s Abseil Challenge

The Master Liz Shilling will be raising money for the Spectacle Makers' Charity by plummeting off the top of St Thomas' Hospital in Westminster. She will be abseiling the 13 floors of the hospital where she is the Head Orthoptist and Eye Team lead in aid of the incredible charities and research projects supported by the Spectacle Makers' Charity.

To sponsor Liz's abseil challenge visit the Donate Page to give.

You are invited to watch the spectacle yourself from the safety of the lawn outside St Thomas', on Friday 20 September. Click the detail button below to register and let Liz know you'll be there to support her.

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Friday 20 Sep 2024

The Master’s Abseil Challenge

The Master will abseil down St Thomas' Hospital to raise money for The Spectacle Makers' Charity. Come along and support her from a safe vantage point!

Available For

Journeyman Non Member Freeman Liveryman